International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (IJSBER)

EA Journals

entrepreneurship students

Advancement of Entrepreneurship Education through Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence (Published)

The focus of this investigation is to advance the plight of entrepreneurship education (EE) through the intelligence of entrepreneurship students. A descriptive survey design was adopted, leveraging a close-ended questionnaire to obtain adequate information from the respondents (male and female 300 and 400 levels entrepreneurship students in Ekiti State Tertiary Institutions). Multi-stage and simple random sampling techniques were employed to sample the higher institutions and the entrepreneurship students, respectively. Data was sourced from both secondary and primary data. The primary data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics. The study reveals that emotional intelligence has more substantial efficacy on extracurricular activities within the spectrum of good sense of feelings, better understanding of self-emotions, self-feeling, and happy mood, among others. It is recommended that students possess more EI and SI for overall performance and managing themselves and others.


Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Entrepreneurship education, Skewness, Social Intelligence, entrepreneurship students

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