International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (IJSBER)

EA Journals

Consumer Protection Agency

Measuring Consumer Satisfaction with Consumer Protection Agencies: Insights from Complainants to CPA Offices in Anambra State (Published)

This paper examines the level of satisfaction attained by complainants to three different consumer protection agencies in Anambra State, Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, the paper verified proposition that establishes relationship between three components of performance evaluation namely accomplishment of objectives, carrying out duties, procedural obstacles, and consumer satisfaction with consumer protection agencies. Secondly, the paper examined the dimension that influences consumer satisfaction most. A total of 43 out of 92 complainants were surveyed using a 5-point likert type structured questionnaire. Factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results show that overall consumer satisfaction is derived from the objectives accomplished, roles played and procedural obstacles removed by consumer protection agencies. Interestingly, the roles played by these agencies proved to be the dimension that influences consumer satisfaction most. Overall, the paper recommends that the agencies should among other things, liaise with market associations, the media, consumer groups, sister agencies and other relevant stakeholders to achieve the desired consumer satisfaction.

Keywords: Complainants, Consumer Protection Agency, Consumer Satisfaction, Procedural Objectives, Regulations.

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