International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (IJSBER)

EA Journals


A Qualitative Appraisal of Job Exits Pervasiveness among Small and Medium Businesses in South West Zone of Nigeria (Published)

This paper primarily examines the degree of Employee Turnover occurrence in the manufacturing and service SMEs in Southwestern Nigeria. The study adopted qualitative methodology, using interview technique to collect primary data from employees, owners and managers of the businesses. Forty-five in-depth interviews were conducted in the businesses in four of six southwestern states. The collected data was analysed using NVIVO Qualitative Data Analysis Software (QDAS). Research results revealed multiple exits of employees within a short period; exits also appeared common among professionals (e.g. accountants) and casual workers. Generally, high and frequent exits are rife amongst employees. Some of the complex reasons for leaving include inadequate remuneration, job casualisation, inability to provide for family members, poor condition of service, stress, victimisation and fear of the unknown. In conclusion, some owners and managers are still indifferent to the high level of employee turnover, creating the potential for further crises, including business collapse.

Keywords: Businesses., Employees, Nigeria, job exits, owner/managers, qualitative

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