International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Research (IJSAR)

EA Journals

Harnessing Agribusiness for Economic Growth and Social Development: A Panacea for Resuscitating Nigeria’s Ailing Economy


While addressing important social issues such as unemployment, rural poverty, and inequality, agribusiness has great power to propel Nigeria’s economic recovery. For decades, the nation’s over-reliance on oil income has resulted in economic volatility, disregarding the agricultural sector, which previously constituted the pillar of national progress. This article investigates how agriculture may be a social development instrument as well as an economic engine, therefore promoting inclusive growth, enabling rural communities, and guaranteeing food security. The study highlights key investment opportunities in agro-processing, mechanized farming, value chain development, and export markets while emphasizing the need for inclusive policies that support smallholder farmers, women, and youth. It also looks at the structural problems that have hampered agribusiness growth: poor infrastructure, land ownership problems, restricted financing availability, and policy contradictions. Also discussed are how sustainable farming methods, digital innovation, and public-private partnerships might help to revive the sector. To guarantee long-term resilience, a whole approach is advised, one that combines environmental sustainability, social equality, and economic diversification. Nigeria can open fresh job prospects, lower import reliance, and establish itself as a major participant in world agricultural markets by encouraging an inclusive agribusiness ecosystem. In the end, agribusiness should be seen not just as a means of investment but also as a driver of national transformation able to close social and economic disparities and guarantee sustainable growth.

Keywords: Development, Economy, Growth, agribusiness economic, harnessing

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