International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Research (IJSAR)

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Intention to Prolong Work after Retirement among Health Personnel in Nigeria: A Pilot Study (Published)

Citation: Muhammad Anka Nasiru, and  Farauk U. Abubakar  (2022) Intention to Prolong Work after Retirement among Health Personnel in Nigeria: A Pilot Study, International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Research, Vol.8, No.1 pp.40-49


In Nigeria, the severe shortage of registered nurses (RNs) and Registered midwives (RMs) have made the Nigerian government carefully propose a policy to prolong the health personnel working lives. Conversely, little is known about the predictors that influence Intention and actual preparation to extend work life among the selected professionals. Therefore, this pilot study’s objective was to evaluate a small sample data to establish the reliability and validity of the constructs’ measuring instruments under study. This study recruited respondents 40 years or older by sending recruitment e-mails to them, which only 50 questionnaires were usable. The validity and reliability of the instruments were analyzed using SPSS v24 and smartPLS v2.0.The study result shows that the entire adapted constructs were reliable and valid and appropriate for the upcoming main study. Precisely, composite reliability (CR) indicated values of 0.90, 0.89, 0.89, 091, and 0.92 for the constructs of attitude, Intention, perceived behavioral control (PBC), preparation, and subjective norms, respectively, which are all above the threshold value of 0.70.Similarly, the average variance extracted (AVE) and discriminant validity were used to determine its validity. The AVE of the constructs of attitude, intention, PBC, preparation, and subjective norm are 0.82, 0.74, 0.63, 0.73, and 0.74, respectively, which indicated all the values are above the suggested threshold of 0.5. The discriminant validity of the entire constructs was attained because the AVE’s square root for the adapted constructs was more significant than the correlation among other reflective constructs, as specified by the studies embolden values. The current study’s main limitation is that some nurses and midwives could not respond to the e-mailed questionnaire sent to them; only a few respondents completed the questionnaires. Thus, monetary rewards should be offered to the respondents to cover the cost of data.


Keywords: Pilot Study, health personnel, intention, preparation, prolong work, retirement

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