International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods (IJQQRM)

EA Journals

The Philosophical Underpinning for Optimizing Pension Fund Financial Performance Thorough Asset Allocation and Portfolio Management Strategies


This paper discusses a literature review perspective of the philosophical underpinning for optimizing the financial performance of pension funds through asset allocation and portfolio management strategies in Zambia. A clearly defined philosophical underpinning facilitates for the generation of reliable and credible solutions to problems that is consistent with acceptable assumptions of reality, truth and knowledge.  A viable pension fund industry is essential for the smooth operation of financial markets and economic efficiency.  The adoption of effective investment strategies that are able to create value on member contributions guarantee meaningful benefits and decent quality of life in deccumulation phase of retirees. The development of a philosophically engraved model that can be used to optimize the financial performance of pension funds is important if such institutions are to remain relevant in economies of nations. This paper concludes that pragmatism is the most appropriate guiding philosophy for investigating the subject at hand and developing a pragmatic model for optimizing the financial performance of pension funds. This entails that each research question under investigation should be used as a basis for the ontological, epistemological, axiological and methodological philosophical positions of the researcher. The mixed method research paradigm is a better approach to comprehensively understand the subject matter and make valid recommendations. In order to develop a pragmatic model that will optimize the financial performance of pension funds, the hybrid research approach ought to be implemented through the explanatory sequential design where the quantitative approach is used to inform the qualitative paradigm.

Citation: Handema  M. and   Lungu J.,  Chabala M. and Shikaputo C. (2022) The Philosophical Underpinning for Optimizing Pension Fund Financial Performance Thorough Asset Allocation and Portfolio Management Strategies, International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, Vol.10, No.2, pp.36-44

Keywords: Axiology, Epistemology, Ontology, methodology, research paradigm

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