International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods (IJQQRM)

EA Journals


Factors Influencing Maternal Health Care Services Utilisation in Port Harcourt Local Government Area of Rivers State (Published)

This study examines the utilization of Maternal Health Care Services (MHCS) in Port Harcourt Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria, focusing on factors influencing such utilization. Through a descriptive cross-sectional survey, data was collected from 400 women of childbearing age using a researcher-developed questionnaire. The majority of participants demonstrated adequate utilization of MHCS, particularly in Antenatal Care (ANC), while utilization rates for labor/delivery and Postnatal Care (PNC) were notably lower, indicating areas of inadequacy. Factors such as health facilities’ operational conditions and geographical barriers significantly hindered MHCS utilization, while healthcare providers played a promoting role. Moreover, the study found a significant relationship between MHCS utilization and respondents’ educational qualification, as well as health facilities’ operational factors. Recommendations stemming from the findings include directed health education efforts by healthcare providers, training of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) to provide quality care, and continuous professional development for healthcare providers to uphold service standards. These recommendations aim to address the inadequacies in MHCS utilization identified in the study, ultimately improving maternal and neonatal health outcomes in the region.

Keywords: Factors, Influence, maternal health care services, utilisation

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