International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods (IJQQRM)

EA Journals


Quality Assurance in Nigerian Education System: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Cure (Published)

The Nigerian education system has remained in the doldrums since the pre-independence period. While the colonial administrations lopsided educational policy may be blamed for this, efforts at post-independence educational reforms did not seek to correct or change the fortunes of the system. The lethargic condition the system was thrown into during the colonial administration has continued through successful regimes and republics. Consequently, this has generated questions about its relevance. While the questions on relevance are valid, it should however be said that education has continued to serve its utilitarian purpose elsewhere in more progressive societies. These symptoms of decay are diagnosed in this paper, with a view to recommending measures that would enhance quality assurance in the education system.

Keywords: Diagnosis, Education, Quality Assurance, Symptoms, cure

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