International Journal of Physical Sciences Research (IJPSR)

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Numerical Quantification of Co-Existence and Survival of White Yam and Yellow Yam Species: Variations of Intra-Species Coefficients (Published)

In this study, utilizing a computationally effective numerical approach called ODE45, the impacts of decreased and increased variability of intra-species coefficients combined to some extent on coexistence and survival scenarios were successfully studied. In spite of diminished or enhanced variability, the two biological species co-exist dominantly, according to the study’s numerical analysis. When all parameter values were fixed and the intra-species coefficients were reduced, the findings appeared to show that only white yam could coexist and survive. However, the reduced variation merely favoured the carrying capacity values and the unfavourable coexistence and survival scenario. The two species’ ability to coexist and survive in this environment was largely favoured by increasing variability, although carrying capacity estimates were negatively impacted. We also discovered that, as the intra-species coefficient variation rose, both biological species were able to coexist and survive dominantly. The complete findings that we have achieved were shown in the tables after meeting both coexistence and survival criteria.

Citation: Ogoegbulem O.,  Nwala B O., and  Obukohwo V. (2022) Numerical Quantification of Co-Existence and Survival of White Yam and Yellow Yam Species: Variations of Intra-Species Coefficients, International Journal of Physical Sciences Research, Vol.6, No.1, pp.1-14

Keywords: Quantification, Species, Survival, Variation, co-existence, intra-species coefficients, numerical