International Journal of Physical Sciences Research (IJPSR)

EA Journals


Effects of F2 Layer Ionospheric Variations On Radio Waves in Nigeria Using Ionospheric Parameters (Published)

The F2 layer of the ionosphere is very important to radio wave propagation around the globe. Radio waves propagated into the ionosphere get reflected, refracted or absorbed by the ionosphere. The refraction and reflection of the radio waves back to the Earth plays a major role in radio wave transmission. This paper investigates the role of the ionospheric F2 layer on radio propagation. The median absolute deviation was employed in the analysis. Results show that the ionosphere plays a major part in radio communication in Nigeria. Also, differences exist in the quality of radio wave propagation between wet season and dry season. This may likely be due to differences in the quantity of ionization and the interaction between the Earth’s magnetic field and the plasma. It is, therefore, necessary that the behaviour of F2 layer of the ionosphere be properly studied for a better understanding of radio communication using the ionosphere.

Keywords: F2 layer, Transmission, communication, ionosphere, radio wave

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