International Journal of Public Health, Pharmacy and Pharmacology (IJPHPP)

EA Journals


Effect of inadequate Human Resources in Government: A Case Study of Ministry of Health (Published)

This research work focuses on the effect of inadequate human resources on the performance of government establishment a case study of health sector. The objectives are to determine the causes of this inadequacy of human resources, the effects of the inadequacy and what could be done to improve the human resources of government establishment especially in health sector. The research is an outcome of an intensive research. In the cause of this research, the researcher adopted descriptive method of analysis with frequency count and chi-square statistical instrument, the results shows that specialist  doctors were grossly inadequate couple well trained nurse while the para-medical and nonmedical were averagely adequate compared to limited ratio of medical staff available in the sector, poor financial aids was discover to be the major causes inadequacy coupled with time and facilities required to train medical staffs in schools, several policy recommendation were made based on the findings of the results government should as a matter of urgency and sensitivity of the sector employ more qualified medical staffs in other to eradicate the hazardous effect of inadequacy in health sector also private sector should be encourage to partake in public health issues in the country.

Keywords: Effect, Government, Human Resources, Inadequate

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