International Journal of Physical and Human Geography (IJPHG)

EA Journals

Urban Political Ecosystem of Urban Wild Area: Case Study of Wuhan Metropolitan Area, People’s Republic of China


Urban wild area and urban political ecosystem are new areas of urban study and land ecology. An urban wild area is a green infrastructure for urban ecological goods and services, and urban political ecosystem is a view of political mechanism and public policy process for ecological balance keeping of the city. The objective of the study is to integrate the causal relationship between changes in urban wild area, urban development and public policy outcome in Wuhan metropolitan area over the period of 2002 to 2011. Researchers analyze satellite images and Wuhan’s statistics. Then, the study applies the theory of urban political ecology and sketches the pathway of land resource metabolism, the political ecosystem of land resource and the urban political ecological relationships of urban wild area study. The results of this study show that the urban political, ecological relationship of changes in urban wild area and urban development is a form of land antagonism because industrial development of Wuhan has resulted in a negative impact upon the urban wild area of the city. Moreover, political mechanism to maintain land resource ecological balance, through public policy, cannot afford to maintain the ecological changes and equilibrium.

Keywords: Wuhan city, land ecology, urban metabolism, urban political ecology and land resource management., urban wild

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