International Journal of Physical and Human Geography (IJPHG)

EA Journals


Effect of Climate Change on The Yield of Groundnut in Ajingi Local Government Area of Kano State, Nigeria (Published)

The study focused on the effects of climate change on groundnut yield cultivation in Ajingi Local Government Area Kano State. Qualitative data were used for the study through questionnaire administration and a purposive sampling was adopted for equal representation of the area. Statistical ration was used to analyzed data and presented in tables with frequency and percentage. The results of the finding show that greater percentage of the respondents were with view of changing groundnut crops with another as an alternative crop due to the decreasing in amount of rainfall and its uneven distribution. The results revealed that Soybean is an alternative crop. Twenty respondents were selected from each ward making 100 respondents to represent the entire population of groundnut farmers in the study area. In this research purposive sampling is used in selecting respondents. Farmers should think to choose the alternative crops when problems arise on groundnut to have continuous cultivation of farm land. New techniques are also needed such as crop rotation, shifting cultivation etc. Local farmers should be given loan/capital to enable them to enhance the production of groundnut. Intensive programmes need to be established by the government to site a large land mainly for production of groundnut since groundnut is among the major cash crops and it’s economic important. Farmers are supposed to monitor environmental conditions and reduce the rate of environmental pollution and climate change.

Keywords: Agriculture, Climate Change, Rainfall, Variability, and Running-mean

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