International Journal of Physical and Human Geography (IJPHG)

EA Journals


Effect of Timber Resource Processing on the Edibe-Edibe Creek in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria (Published)

This study examines the quality of water and the variation in the physical and chemical properties of water in the Edibe-edibe Creek. It also looked at the microbial characteristics of the Creek. The data for the study were derived from direct field observation, sampling measure in situ measure and laboratory analysis. The phypico-chemical parameters as well as the bacteriological parameters were analysed the laboratory using various instruments. The result of the analysis revealed that: except for electrical conductivity, PH and iron, all other parameters were on the increase from station one to two. However, nitrate had the same values in both, Station one and two. The biological analysis also revealed that the parameters had an increase value from station one to two. Generally, it was discovered that the water in this Creek is not good for domestic purposes because of the availability of nitrate and the acidic nature of the water.

Keywords: Creek, Parameters, Resource, Timber, Utilization

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