International Journal of Petroleum and Gas Engineering Research (IJPGER)

EA Journals


Supplying Constant Impressed Current by Using Photovoltaic Panels to Slow-down the Rate of Corrosion of Underground Gas Pipeline to the Remote Area (Published)

The motto of this study is to use best reliable, durable, and cost-effective energy sources that will allow to slow down the rate of corrosion of underground gas pipelines to the distant areas. Cathodic protection is the most common electromechanical method used to protect buried metal pipelines from corrosion where the wrapped coating has failed or been damaged exposing uncovered gas pipelines metal to the soil. In many countries, there are some strict rules and regulation to apply cathodic protection for the natural gas pipelines, vessel, well casing, tanks, and marine structure and it is done by applying current through galvanic cell and external energy sources as direct current to the sources of the metal. In this investigation, the constant trace current known as impressed current cathodic system (ICCS) is being used.

Keywords: Anode, Cathode, Cathodic Protection, Coating, Corrosion, DC to DC converter, Impressed Current, Matlab.

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