Stress Pattern and Work Performance Among Nurses in Health Care Facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria (Published)
The essence of this study is to examine stress pattern and work performance among nurses in health care facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. One purpose of the study was stated and concerted into one research question and one statement of hypothesis. Literature review was carried out based on the variable understudy. The descriptive correlational research design was adopted in this study. the stratified and accidental sampling techniques were adopted in selecting the 139 respondents sampled for the study from thepopulation. A validated 20 items four-point likert scale questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The face and content validity of the instrument was established by experts in Test and Measurement. The reliability estimates of 0.81 of the instruments were established using the Cronbach Alpha method. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation statistical tool was used to test the hypothesis formulated for the study. The hypothesis was tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The results obtained from the data analysis revealed that there is a significant relationship between stress pattern and work performance among nurses in health care facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. The finding concludes that there is a significant relationship between stress pattern and work performance among nurses in health care facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. Based on the finding of the study it was recommended among other recommendations the health sector in Akoko Edo Local Government Area should identify those factors that are responsible for stress and devise means of reducing them to the barest minimum to enhance high productivity among staff.
Keywords: Job Performance, Nurses, Stress, primary health care centre (PHC), staff
Impact of Stress on Nutrition and Productivity (A Study of Southern Cross River State, Nigeria) (Published)
Stress is any action or activity that threatens the homeostatic stability of an organism or any response of the body to demands made upon it. It is usually produced by responses to a specific stressor. Stress has been implicated in a wide array of medical illnesses including nutritional disorders. The study is aimed at investigating the effect of stress on nutrition and productivity in Southern Cross River State, Nigeria. Random sampling measures are adopted to survey seven (7) Local Government Areas that constitute southern senatorial district in Cross River and respondents cut across Civil servants, Public servants, Business men, Students, Academic and Administrative staff of schools. Results reveal effects of stress on nutrition is wide ranging, affecting different aspects of our nutrition from food intake to food handling and indirectly by providing an environment for diseases which influence productivity. Stress may induce unhealthy eating habits which includes increasing the desire for certain diets. It also places many metabolic demands on the body and thus may alter the body’s metabolism. Multiple stressors have been found to cause increased catabolism and protein loss. It is recommended that in managing stress and nutritional disorders, a multidisciplinary approach involving professionals from various fields in medical practice should be adopted. The most appropriate management of stress disorders is the elimination of the stressor but where this approach is not feasible or has previously failed other methods to assist the individual cope with the stress can be adopted.
Keywords: Nutritional Disorders, Productivity, Stress