Stress Pattern and Work Performance Among Nurses in Health Care Facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria (Published)
The essence of this study is to examine stress pattern and work performance among nurses in health care facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. One purpose of the study was stated and concerted into one research question and one statement of hypothesis. Literature review was carried out based on the variable understudy. The descriptive correlational research design was adopted in this study. the stratified and accidental sampling techniques were adopted in selecting the 139 respondents sampled for the study from thepopulation. A validated 20 items four-point likert scale questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The face and content validity of the instrument was established by experts in Test and Measurement. The reliability estimates of 0.81 of the instruments were established using the Cronbach Alpha method. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation statistical tool was used to test the hypothesis formulated for the study. The hypothesis was tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The results obtained from the data analysis revealed that there is a significant relationship between stress pattern and work performance among nurses in health care facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. The finding concludes that there is a significant relationship between stress pattern and work performance among nurses in health care facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. Based on the finding of the study it was recommended among other recommendations the health sector in Akoko Edo Local Government Area should identify those factors that are responsible for stress and devise means of reducing them to the barest minimum to enhance high productivity among staff.
Keywords: Job Performance, Nurses, Stress, primary health care centre (PHC), staff
Motivation and Job Performance among Nurses’ in the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar Cross River State (Published)
Purpose. The purpose of the study was to assess motivation and job performance among nurses’ in the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar Cross river state. Objectives: The following specific objectives were set; to assess the level of job performance among nurses in UCTH, to determine the level of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation among nurses’ in UCTH. Two research questions where developed in line with the research objectives. Literature review: Extensive literature review of the 2 variables was done and the theoretical framework adopted for the study was the Herzberg two factor theory of motivation. Methods: A descriptive research design was adopted for the study and the convenient sampling technique was used a sample size of 240 respondents was selected using the Taro Yamane’s formula. Data was obtained using a 23 item structured questionnaire constructed in line with the research question which was duly validated and reliability ensured. Results: Data obtained was analyzed using Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and result gotten was presented using tables, and percentages. Result from the analysis showed that 130 (54.2%) of the respondents strongly agreed that nurses’ achieved their goals by satisfying patents’ needs, 129(53.8%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that nurses’ do not have patients ‘best interest in mind. Findings from the study also revealed that there was a significant relationship between motivation and job performance among nurses in UCTH. Conclusion: Based on these findings, the researchers recommended that government provides adequate funding to health care facilities for procurement of equipment and materials, ensure regular employment of nurses, ensure increment in salaries and allowances of nurses, and provide adequate funding of researches to nurses to further increase motivation and job performance.
Keywords: Job Performance, Motivation, Nurses, UCTH.