International Journal of Nursing, Midwife and Health Related Cases (IJNMH)

EA Journals


Effectiveness of Conventional and Electronic Health Educational Campaign on Breast Self-Examination Practice Among Adult Women in Oyo State (Published)

This study investigated effectiveness of conventional and electronic health educational campaign on Breast self-examination practice among adult women in Oyo State. This study adopted quasi-experimental design, using two interventional approach: convectional teaching medium and Electronic teaching medium. Multi-stage sampling techniques was employed in the selection process, where two rural and urban communities were selected across three senatorial districts in Oyo State, to give six urban and rural areas. Each educational campaign group had 213 participants, therefore the two groups in total had 426 participants. Validated questionnaire was adopted for data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Hypotheses were tested using paired and independent t-test. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Hypotheses tested revealed that, there is a significant difference in conventional and electronic group knowledge (p < 0.05), attitude (p < 0.05); Self-efficacy (p< 0.05) and practice (p< 0.05) respectively. This study concluded that, participants from convectional groups had better knowledge, attitude, Self-efficacy and practice of BSE compare to Electronic group.


Keywords: Effectiveness, Electronic, breast self-examination, campaigns, conventional, practice

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