International Journal of Management Technology (IJMT)

EA Journals

The Role of the Tri-Motivation Approach in Achieving Excellence in E-University Strategy Execution (A case study based on practical application of E-University Perspective in KAU strategy)


This paper deals with King Abdul-Aziz University’s exercise to upgrade the level of strategy implementation by applying three incentive approaches, namely positive, moral and negative approaches.  This paper briefly explains the electronic university perspective at King Abdul-Aziz University.  The paper emphasizes the importance of close examination of the incentive approaches at the beginning of the strategy preparation stage and the necessity to prepare an incentive plan during the implementation of the strategy to ensure continuity of implementation in accordance with set time lines while maintaining required efficiency and quality to benefit the organization by implementing the strategic plan thoroughly and comprehensively.

Keywords: Moral approach, Negative approaches, Positive approach, Strategy

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Impact Factor: 5.78
Print ISSN: 2055-0847
Online ISSN: 2055-0855

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