International Journal of Management Technology (IJMT)

EA Journals

Higher Education

Education Technology Professional Development Trainers (EDTPD) for Blooms Digital Assessment Taxonomy (BDT) Assessment Model (Published)

In today’s fast-paced technological environment, we are on the verge of a technological revolution that will modify and unfold several professions in the realm of education. This study presents research in the emerging field of professional development for educators in higher education as Educational Technology Professional Development (ETPD) Trainers. The necessity for the educators to be trained in the Blooms Digital Assessment methodology is highlighted in this article. To raise the quality of educator as a professional development trainer in educational technology, this study has developed a proposed model of Digital assessment using Blooms Digital Taxonomy to motivate the educators and raise their self-confidence using Knowle’s Adult Learning theory. The application of mixed method research planned to set in a university, with the intention of preparing and training Educational Technology professional development trainers in today’s fast growing educational environment. An intervention plan will be set out for the university educators. The goal of this study’s proposed model is to provide a comprehensive understanding of this emerging field in higher education research, as well as to know how to train others as professional development educators and to understand the capabilities of various technologies as they relate to teaching, learning, and assessment of Blooms Taxonomy. The effects on educators’ motivation to get trained and become professional development trainers have been addressed in this article, offering up new chances for the educators to succeed in today’s fierce competitive environment.

Keywords: Higher Education, Professional Development, adult learning theory, blooms digital taxonomy, education technology professional development

Impact of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) On Users in Higher Educational System: Southampton University as a Case Study (Published)

In this study, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) perception and impact in the University of Southampton UK, a higher learning environment was measured. We gathered data from respondents (students, administrators and lecturers) via interviews and questionnaires. The aims were to find out the level of HCI influence and the perception of HCI in the school environment.  The impact HCI in Southampton University has been positive and it is shown that becoming familiar with HCI concepts improve a user’s interaction and efficiency. Not only should a computer be cognitively fit, but also the user should be cognitively/physically prepared to use the system

Keywords: Higher Education, human-computer interaction (HCI), usability

The 4.0 Industrial Revolution Affecting Higher Education Organizations’ Operation in Vietnam (Published)

The 4.0 industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) will affect almost every sector of the economy, but the degree of impact varies. The most influential are labor-intensive industries such as apparel and electronics. These are industries with hundreds or even thousands of workers, so there will be challenges when automation is increasing. In addition, a higher education organization’s success is influenced by factors’ operating in it’s internal and external environment; a higher education organization can increase it’s success by adopting strategies which manipulate these factors to it’s advantage. A successful higher education organization will not only understand existing factors but also forecast change, so that it can take advantage of change within the environments in which it operates. The study results showed that there were 150 persons who are the managers of higher education organization in Vietnam who interviewed and answered about 13 questions. Data collected from March 2016 to March 2017 for higher education organizations in Vietnam. The paper had been analyzed KMO test, Cronbach’s Alpha and the result of KMO analysis which used for multiple regression analysis. Managers’ responses measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale (Conventions: 1: Completely disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Normal; 4: Agree; 5: completely agree). Hard copy and online questionnaire distributed among 1.000 managers of higher education organization in Vietnam. In addition, the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) results showed that there were three factors, which included of factors following human resource quality (X1), macro environment change (X2), technology capabilities (X3) with significance level 5 percent. In addition, all of three components affecting the higher education organizations’ operation in Vietnam with significance level 5 percent. The research results processed from SPSS 20.0 software.   

Keywords: High Tech, Higher Education, Industry 4.0, Internet, Organization

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