International Journal of Management Technology (IJMT)

EA Journals

Digital Age

The Secretarial Profession in the Digital Age: Adapting to Technological Advancements (Published)

This paper looked into the secretarial profession in the digital age and how the professional can adapt to technological advancements that are staring on his face.  Many modern office technology and equipment have evolved to assist in enhancing the secretarial performance rather than decreasing it.  The paper reviewed the secretarial professional, the modern office, technological development, the secretary and technological development, challenges posed by modern technologies, and expectations from modern secretarial professionals.  It was concluded that the dynamism in the world is also being affected by the office which greatly requires that the professional secretary updates his knowledge by reskilling and upskilling in order to meet up with modern challenges. It was recommended, among others, that organizations should organize refreshers courses for secretaries already on the job to enable them have in-depth knowledge of new technologies that may pose challenges to them, and create opportunities for reskilling and upskilling for secretarial professionals in view of their continuous relevance to the achievement of organizational goals and objectives.


Keywords: Digital Age, secretarial profession, technological advancements

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