International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Studies (IJMSS)

EA Journals


Gender and Academic Performances (Published)

Academic performances of male and female students were compared using grades obtained the various levels. The student t-test and Regression analysis were used. The result shows that: The female students score high in the upper grades A’s, B’s and C’s while the Male student have more of D’s, E’s and F’s. Both Male and Female students are putting in more efforts over the years in increasing the number of A’s and B’s they obtain. There is a reduction the number of C’s, D’s and F’s. On the number of E’s, the female students are decreasing the number they get so as to bring up their FCGPA, whereas the male students are increasing theirs thereby decreasing their FCGPA. The rate of improvement over the years is faster for the female students than the male students. The female students have a higher FCGPA than the male students. Female students perform better than their male counterparts

Keywords: : Academic Performance, Final Cumulative Grade Point (FCGP)., Gender, Regression, Scores

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