Off Grid Initial Value Solver for First Order Ordinary Differential Equations in Block Form Using Chebyshev Polynomial as Basis Function (Published)
The importance of numerical solution to differential equations cannot be overemphasized. It has been observed that the analytic method of solution to some differential equation often became laborious and practicably impossible. In order to circumvent this problem, then the introduction of an approximate solution became inevitable. This paper focuses on the derivation and application of an appropriate continuous linear multistep method in a block form in solving first order ordinary differential equations by collocating at some selected off grid points and interpolating at only one grid point. To achieve this, Chebyshev polynomial is used as basis function. Some basic properties of Multistep methods were critically examined such as order, consistency, zero stability and region of absolute stability and the level of accuracy of the method was equally compared with an existing method and was found out to performs better that the method compared with.
Keywords: Interpolation, chebyshev polynomial., collocation, consistency, multistep
Off Grid Collocation Four Step Initial Value Solver for Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations (Published)
The derivation and application of a four step Block Linear Multistep Method is hereby presented. To achieve this, Chebyshev polynomial was employed as basis function. Chebyshev polynomial was adopted as basis function based on its level of accuracy among other monomials in the interval [-1, 1]. Block method was adopted in this presentation based on its accuracy over the popular Predictor – Corrector method. The method under consideration gives solution at each grid point within the interval of integration. The method was arrived at by interpolating the polynomial equation and collocating the differential equation at some selected points. The order and error constant of the method were investigated likewise the consistency and zero stability which is one of the desirability property of linear multistep method were equally investigated. The method was applied to solve some second order ordinary differential equations and compare its level of accuracy with the analytical solution and equally compare its level of accuracy with some other existing methods.
Keywords: Block Method., Interpolation, chebyshev polynomial., collocation, corrector, predictor
Integrator Block Off – Grid Points Collocation Method For Direct Solution Of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations Using Chebyshev Polynomials As Basis Function (Published)
The numerical computation of differential equations cannot be overemphasized as it is evident in the literatures. It has been observed that analytical solution of some differential equations are intractable, hence there is need to seek for an alternative solution to such equations. Circumventing this problem resulted into an approximate solution otherwise known as numerical solution. There are so many numerical methods that can be used in solving differential equations which include predictor – corrector method which is linear multistep in nature and not self-starting method. In this presentation the focus is on presenting a self-starting multistep method for direct solution of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations as against the popular predictor – corrector method which needs additional value for starting point which may alter the accuracy of the method. The method is a mixture of grid and off grid collocation point and often refer to as Block linear multistep method.
Keywords: Block Method., Chebyshev Polynomials, Integrator Off –Grid, Interpolation, Predictor – Corrector, collocation
Integrator Block Off – Grid Points Collocation Method For Direct Solution Of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations Using Chebyshev Polynomials As Basis Function. (Published)
The numerical computation of differential equations cannot be overemphasized as it is evident in the literatures. It has been observed that analytical solution of some differential equations are intractable, hence there is need to seek for an alternative solution to such equations. Circumventing this problem resulted into an approximate solution otherwise known as numerical solution. There are so many numerical methods that can be used in solving differential equations which include predictor – corrector method which is linear multistep in nature and not self-starting method. In this presentation the focus is on presenting a self-starting multistep method for direct solution of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations as against the popular predictor – corrector method which needs additional value for starting point which may alter the accuracy of the method. The method is a mixture of grid and off grid collocation point and often refer to as Block linear multistep method.
Keywords: Block Method., Chebyshev Polynomials, Integrator Off –Grid, Interpolation, Predictor – Corrector, collocation
Double Perturbation Collocation Method for Solving Fractional Riccati Differential Equations (Published)
In this work, we proposed a computational technique called the Double Perturbation Collocation Method (DPCM) for the numerical solution of fractional Riccati differential equation. The DPCM requires the addition of a perturbation term to the approximate solution in terms of the shifted Chebyshev polynomials basis function. This function is substituted into a slightly perturbed fractional Riccati equation. The fractional derivative is in the Caputo sense. The resulting equation is simplified and then collocated at some equally spaced points. Thus resulted into system of equations which are then solved by implementing Gaussian elimination method for linear to obtain the unknown constants and for the case of nonlinear, Newton linearization scheme of appropriate orders are used to linearize. The values of the constants obtained are then substituted back into the perturbed approximate solution. Results obtained with DPCM compared favourably well with existing results in literature and the exact solutions where such existed in closed form. Some numerical examples are included to illustrate the accuracy, simplicity and computational cost of the method.
Keywords: Riccati., collocation, double - perturbation, fractional, linearization
Multiple Perturbed Collocation Tau-Method For Solving High Order Linear And Non-Linear Boundary Value Problems (Published)
This paper is concerned with the numerical solution of high order linear and nonlinear boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations by Multiple Perturbed Collocation Tau Method (MPCTM). In applying this method to the class of problems mentioned above, we assumed a perturbed approximate solution in terms of Chebyshev Polynomial basis function which is substituted into the special class of the problem considered. Thus, resulting into n-folds integration. After evaluation of n-fold integration, the resulting equation is then collocated at equally spaced interior points and the unknown constants in the approximate solution are then obtained by Gaussian elimination method which are then substituted back into the approximate solution. The proposed method is tested on several numerical examples, the approximate solutions is in agreement with the exact solution. The approximate results obtained by the proposed method confirm the convergence of numerical solutions and are compared favorably with the existing methods available in literature
Keywords: Accuracy, Boundary Value Problem, Chebyshev, Errors, Multiple, Perturbed, collocation
Multiple Perturbed Collocation Tau-Method For Solving High Order Linear And Non-Linear Boundary Value Problems (Published)
This paper is concerned with the numerical solution of high order linear and nonlinear boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations by Multiple Perturbed Collocation Tau Method (MPCTM).In applying this method to the class of problems mentioned above, we assumed a perturbed approximate solution in terms of Chebyshev Polynomial basis function which is substituted into the special class of the problem considered. Thus, resulting into n-folds integration. After evaluation of n-fold integration, the resulting equation is then collocated at equally spaced interior points and the unknown constants in the approximate solution are then obtained by Gaussian elimination method which are then substituted back into the approximate solution.The proposed method is tested on several numerical examples, the approximate solutions is in agreement with the exact solution. The approximate results obtained by the proposed method confirm the convergence of numerical solutions and are compared favorably with the existing methods available in literature.
Keywords: Accuracy, Boundary Value Problem, Chebyshev, Errors, Multiple, Perturbed, collocation