A Study on Factors that Influence Students Academic Performance in Kogi State University Anyigba: A Binary Logistic Regression Approach (Published)
Students’ academic performance of the target institution is discussed under certain vital statistical parameters. The study, aimed at determining strategic remedy to poor academic performance of students, identified possible negative impact factors within the institution. The study considered the following factors: Jamb Score (prior academic performance), Number of friends on Social Networking Sites (SNS), Concept of knowledge acquired in class and how it relates to real world experience (students’ motivation). Others are: How often they attend lectures, Rate of study in hours per week; How often they discuss ideas from lectures (students’ academic habit) and Time spent taking extra job alongside academic program (additional job). With these factors technically analysed, we employed Binary Logistic Regression Model to investigate the influence of these factors on students’ performance, whereas data analysis shows that these factors negatively affected students’ academically. From our findings, we recommended that intervention strategies that supports improvement among the Academically Imbalance Students (AIS), should be focused on: how to enhance immediate academic performance at the early stage of their academic career, guided usage of social networking sites. Furthermore, ensuring sufficient motivation as well as improved students’ academic habit must be encouraged. In addition, a proper choice of mode of study when additional job is unavoidable should be considered.
Citation: Jimoh Ahmed, Bashiru Omeiza Sule, Salawu Adamu Saka, Owonipa Oluremi Rasheedat, Ibrahim Ismaila Itopa (2021) Study on Factors that Influence Students Academic Performance in Kogi State University Anyigba: A Binary Logistic Regression Approach,
Keywords: : Academic Performance, Binary Logistic Regression, academic habit, academically balance students, academically imbalance students
The Impact of Parents’ Socioeconomic Status on Academic Performance of Grade Twelve Students: In Case of Dire Dawa City, Ethiopia (Published)
Education is essential for the development of society. The more educated the people of a society are, the more civilized and well-disciplined. Mainly, family has responsibility to socialize children for making them productive members of society. The main objective of this study was to analyze the impact of parents’ socioeconomic status on academic achievement in case of grade twelve students. From three governmental secondary schools, there were 482 total numbers of students in 2017/2018 academic year and included in the study. Both primary and secondary source of data were used. To examine the impact of parents’ socioeconomic status on academic achievement dummy variables multiple regressions was employed to analyze data. The results of final fitted model shows that family size, average monthly income, parents’ occupation and educational level have statistically significant contribution for students’ academic achievement at 5% level of significance. It can be concluded that family size has negative impact on the academic performance of students. Similarly, poor parents may have inadequate or limited resources that promote and support children’s development and school readiness. It can be recommended community and government should work together on family planning and effective contraceptive use. Additionally, unemployment rate should be minimized through creating job opportunities.
Keywords: : Academic Performance, dummy variables multiple regression, socioeconomic status
Gender and Academic Performances (Published)
Academic performances of male and female students were compared using grades obtained the various levels. The student t-test and Regression analysis were used. The result shows that: The female students score high in the upper grades A’s, B’s and C’s while the Male student have more of D’s, E’s and F’s. Both Male and Female students are putting in more efforts over the years in increasing the number of A’s and B’s they obtain. There is a reduction the number of C’s, D’s and F’s. On the number of E’s, the female students are decreasing the number they get so as to bring up their FCGPA, whereas the male students are increasing theirs thereby decreasing their FCGPA. The rate of improvement over the years is faster for the female students than the male students. The female students have a higher FCGPA than the male students. Female students perform better than their male counterparts
Keywords: : Academic Performance, Final Cumulative Grade Point (FCGP)., Gender, Regression, Scores
Determinants of Academic Performance of Students: Case of Wolaita Sodo University (Published)
Education is one of the most important factors in producing human resource that is necessary for economic development of a country. The quality of educational system of any country may reflect the development attempts to be made in social, economic and political aspects. Furthermore, in this era of globalization and technological revolution, education is considered as a first step for every human activity. Indeed, education in higher institution can be influenced by some many factors these variables are inside and outside school that affect students’ quality of academic achievement or academic performance. These factors may be termed as student factors, family factors, school factors and peer factors. The main objective of this study is to identify the major determinants or factors which influence the academic performance of students at Wolaita Sodo University (WSU). Out of 6,553 students a sample of 367 students was taken from 38 departments of Wolaita Sodo University using stratified random sampling with proportional allocation to size. Both secondary a well as primary sources of data were used through student filled questionnaire. To estimate the effect of the socio-economic, demographic variables, academic motivation, academic self-concept, environmental factors and psychological factors on academic performance (achievement) were considered. The cross tabulation with Chi-square test and binary logistic regression were employed to analyze the data. The result of cross tabulation with Chi-square test show that age, study outside class, amount of money received from family and first choice of department have significant association with academic performance at 5% level of significance. Also the result of the logistic regression analysis revealed that preparing time table, father’s education level, peer influence; combining ideas and good life later on (motivation) have a significant relation with academic performance at 5% level of significance. It can be concluded that to increase and improve students’ academic performance some crucial steps regarding securing first choice of department and advising about peer influence should be taken into consideration. It can be recommended that the university should set programs to strength self-concept to make them confident on their potential
Keywords: : Academic Performance, Logistic Regression Analysis, Motivation, Peer Influence, Securing First Choice of Department, Wolaita Sodo University