International Journal of Music Studies (IJMS)

EA Journals

Comparative Analysis

Comparative Analysis of Three Vocal Music Compositions: its Philosophical, Socio-Cultural and Economical Implications to the Building of the Whole Man (Published)

If music be the food for the soul let it Play on’.  Music as a sound matrix is part of human existence, from birth to death; music is evidence in one form of activities engaged by man. Whether instrumental music, vocal and both vocal/instrumental music messages are communicated and response elicited from intended listeners positive or negative depending on type of message such music communicates. Though instrumental music communicates messages, vocal music messages are more explicit as a result of texts involved in vocal music. Hence focus here is on vocal music composition.  Participant observation and related materials including the use of three vocal music compositions were used to form the bulk of the paper.  The paper advocates that Vocal music has the capacity to elicit positive response and as a result build the whole man psychologically.


Keywords: Comparative Analysis, Philosophical, Socio-cultural, economical, vocal music composition