In this contemporary global ecosystem, librarians as custodians of knowledge and libraries especially university libraries who not only serve as knowledge gateway but also research hub are looked upon for not only promoting the idea of green initiative and sustainability but are also to set the pace by implementation knowing full well that the whole world look up to them to begin the change. This study is therefore an empirical assessment of the environmental sustainability of green libraries initiatives in federal universities in Nigeria. It adopted a descriptive survey research design with a sampled population of 120 librarians selected through random sampling technique from 12 University libraries in Nigeria covering the six geo-political zones of Nigeria with each zone producing 20 respondents. The primary instrument used for data collection in this study is a self prepared Likert modified type of four point scale rating structured questionnaire with section-1 lifted from the IFLA set agenda for green library and section-2 guided by IFLA checklists for green structures and information services for libraries while observation was also used to ascertain the level of compliance of the green library initiative. On this scale, the average mean benchmark is 2.50, in which case, an item is accepted if it is 2.50 and above and rejected if it is below 2.50 hence the decision rule. The questionnaires were administered through email and returned 100% with the help of research assistants. Data collected were statistically analyzed using frequencies, percentile and mean (Χ) and presented in tables. The result shows among others that apart from green buildings and equipment, sustainable library services and sustainable economy the librarians expressed high level of awareness of, other agenda that form part of the green library initiative, the librarians are not fully aware of them and the university libraries buildings were found not to be green initiative compliance as none of the university libraries ccould boast of an entire library structure made with natural biodegradable resources. It was also discovered that the university libraries provide some green information services such as providing non-print information services and sources, encouraging the use of search engines and the Internet, having websites that can be easily perused by users and adoption of e-library concepts but lag in some areas. Based on the findings, the study recommended inter-alia that federal university libraries should be reconstructed in line with the characteristics set outside by IFLA for the construction of green library in its entirety which streamlined all that is needed in making a library a green one and that librarians should be trained and re-trained on green information and communication technology (Green IT) as well as on green office principles and environmental management.
Keywords: Climate Change, Environment, Sustainability, environmental sustainability university library, green library, librarian