Awareness and Use of Open Access (OA) Initiatives in Ensuring Free Access to Information Among Librarians in Academic Libraries in Nigeria (Published)
This study was carried out to investigate the Awareness and Use of Open Access Initiatives in Ensuring Free Access to Information in Academic Libraries in Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study. Five research objectives and five research questions were formulated to guide the study. The population of this study comprised librarians in academic libraries in South-South, Nigeria. Data for the study was collected using a structured questionnaire developed by the researcher and was administered online using Google forms. 62 forms were filled and submitted from the professional platforms. The study used frequency counts and percentages to analyze the data. The findings revealed that librarians in academic libraries in South-South, Nigeria understand OA initiatives to be free availability of online information resources and promotion of free access to scholarly literature. Findings also revealed that Institutional repository, Open access publishing, open access journals and Directory of Open Access Journals are the initiatives that librarians are mostly aware of. The study also found that the OA initiatives mostly utilized by Librarians included open access journals, Institutional repository and DOAJ. Further findings also showed that most librarians felt that the relevance of OA initiatives included: It enables researchers’ access relevant materials, wider accessibility, Information is unrestricted, increased author visibility and Information is available 24/7. Lack of awareness, lack of relevant policies and technophobia were the major challenges of OA initiatives. This implies that librarians are mostly aware of OA initiatives and also utilize them. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that efforts should be made by librarians in keeping aware of OA initiatives and utilize them properly for access to information.
Keywords: Academic Libraries, Librarians, Open Access, Utilization, initiatives
Utilization of School Library and Students’ Academic Achievement in Abuja Federal Capita Territory (Published)
This study was conducted to determine the influence of school library utilization on the performance of secondary school student in Abuja FCT. Two research questions and one hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study was all 16362 students in public secondary schools in Abuja Metropolis. A sample of 579 students was selected to take part in the study using simple random sampling technique. An instrument entitled “Utilization of School Library and Students’ Academic Achievement Questionnaire (USLSAAQ)” was used in collecting data for the study. The instrument was validated by three experts and test re-test reliability was conducted for the instrument. A reliability coefficient of .81 was obtained for the instrument using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Data collected for the study were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions and independent t-test to test the hypothesis. The findings of the study indicated that there is a significant influence of library utilization on academic achievement of students in Abuja Metropolis. It was recommended among others that government should provide all secondary schools in Abuja metropolis with modern and functional libraries.
Keywords: Influence, Library, Performance, Utilization
Utilization of School Library as Determinant of Reading Habit of Senior Secondary School Students in Abuja Metropolis (Published)
This study was conducted to determine the utilization of school library as determinant of reading habit of senior secondary school students in Abuja Metropolis. Two research questions and one hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study was all 16362 students in public secondary schools in Abuja Metropolis. A sample of 579 students was selected to take part in the study using simple random sampling technique. An instrument entitled “Utilization of Public School Library as determinants of reading habits questionnaire (UPSLDRQ)” was used in collecting data for the study. The instrument was validated by three experts and test re-test reliability was conducted for the instrument. A reliability coefficient of .83 was obtained for the instrument using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Data collected for the study were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions and independent t-test to test the hypothesis. The findings of the study indicated that there is a significant influence of library utilization on the reading habit of students. It was recommended among others that government should provide all secondary schools in Abuja metropolis with modern and functional libraries.
Keywords: Abuja metropolis, School library., Senior Secondary School, Students, Utilization, reading habit
Provision and Utilization of Security Information by Intelligence Agencies for the Maintenance of Law and Order in Rivers State (Published)
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between provision and utilization of security information for the maintenance of law and order in Rivers State. Two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 2550 police officers serving in Rivers State. A sample of 486 police officers were used for the study using simple random sampling technique. A researcher made questionnaire entitled “Provision and Utilization of Security Information for Maintenance of Law and Order Questionnaire (PUSIMLOQ) was used in collecting data for the study. The instrument was face validated by three experts. Internal consistency reliability was conducted for the instrument and a coefficient of 0.81 was obtained. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used in answering the research questions and in testing the hypotheses. The finding of the study indicated that there is relationship between provision of security information and utilization for maintenance of law and order in Rivers’ State. It was recommended among others that citizens should readily provide security information to police for the maintenance of law and order in Rivers State.
Citation: Udumukwu. I J. and Wegwu B.J. (2022) Provision and Utilization of Security Information by Intelligence Agencies for the Maintenance of Law and Order in Rivers State, International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies, Vol.8, No.3, pp.60-68
Keywords: Law, Order, Provision, Rivers State, Utilization, intelligence agencies, security information
Utilization of Funds Allocated to Agricultural Research Institute Libraries in Nigeria (Published)
This study focused on the utilization of funds allocated to agricultural research institute libraries in Nigeria. All the fifteen (15) agricultural research institute libraries were involved in the main study; three in the pilot study, and twelve in the main study. The survey research method was adopted and the instrument used for data collection was the utilization of funds allocated to Agricultural Research Institute Libraries in Nigeria Questionnaire (UFARILNQ). UFARILNQ solicited responses from the principal officers of ARIs and their librarians who were themselves major users of the libraries. The responses were in line with the two research objectives of the study: utilization of funds allocated and extent to which appropriated funds met services needs of the agricultural research institute libraries. The data collected were analysed using frequency distributions, percentages, mean scores, standard deviation, graphs, and tests of differences and relationships for the four hypothesis. One way ANOVA was used to test for the differences in received funds and their utilization among the ARILs. The study established that funds allocated to ARILs were inadequate but well utilized except for purchase of computers which were deployed for services provision. The services provided were literature search, reference, selective dissemination of information, which were adjudged to be those required to meet the needs of users, except mobile library services which was non-existent. Even as funding was inadequate, the respondents were satisfied with their judicious use resulting in the ARILs offering satisfactory services. However, the hypotheses was tested at significant level of 0.05. The decision of the hypothesis was rejected at P< 0.05 and retained at alpha level of 0.05 (P> 0.05). For hypothesis one, the observed P-value in the test was 0.134, which was higher than the fixed level of significance 0.05 (P> 0.05). From this observation, the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference in fund utilization by Agricultural Research Institute Libraries in Nigeria is therefore retained. Hypotheses one was retained. The recommendations of the study included all funds allocated to the agricultural research institutes libraries in Nigeria should be properly utilized for their respective purposes. Also the librarian of each agricultural research institute libraries in Nigeria should be a Principal Officer of the respective institute to enable the librarian to have a meaningful understanding of funds allocations.
Keywords: Funds, Libraries, Utilization, agricultural research institute
Awareness of Online Public Access Catalogue and Utilization of Library Resources by Undergraduates in Federal Universities in South- South Zone of Nigeria (Published)
The study investigated the influence of knowledge on the use of online public access catalogue and utilization of library resources by undergraduate students in federal universities in South-South Zone of Nigeria. The population of the study comprised 952 registered library users from three selected universities in the study area during 2017/2018 academic session. Questionnaire was the main instrument for data collection. The data collected was analyzed using Mean and Standard Deviation. The hypothesis was tested using simple linear regression and multiple regression analyses respectively. The regression model produced a regression coefficient of R=.431, which revealed that there is a strong positive relationship between knowledge on the use of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and utilization of library resources. The findings further revealed that knowledge on the use of OPAC is relatively low in the universities studied. It was recommended that library program currently being taught in Nigerian universities should be reviewed and taken into cognizance the important of information literacy skills required by students to enhance them access print/digital content of the library.
Keywords: Library Resources, Nigeria, OPAC, Undergraduates, Utilization
Yaba College of Technology Library: Resources Utilisation for Effective Services Delivery to Users Community (Published)
The paper looked at Yaba College of Technology, library Lagos in the provision of information resources and services to students and staff of the institution. Questionnaire was the instrument use for gathering data from One hundred (100) respondents which were randomly selected out of which eighty (80) were returned and found useful for the study. This research revealed that majority of the respondents were aware of the existence of library in the school but do not fully utilized it because the information resources of the library are outdated that could not meet information needs of user due to the above constraints the respondents look elsewhere to get their information need satisfied. The study then gave some recommendations as a way forward to promote effective service delivery by the library to the target users. Amongst these is that there is a need to have a functional library with modern information resources (ICT) with qualified personnel with adequate skills essential for effective utilization of e- resources. In order to ensure that staff of the library is efficient in their daily services delivery library as essential information center should at least once in a year attend a skill acquisition programme relevant to their areas of operations. In order for the library to play its role, especially in this Information age, it must be adequately funded by the government and other stakeholders. The failure of academic library like that of Yaba College of Technology has been largely responsible for failure of Nigerian academic institutions in overall global rating of the academic institution in which Yaba College of technology is known as one of the foremost academic institutions in the world assessment team
Keywords: Availability, Information resources, Library, Utilization, services delivery
Information Search Strategies as Correlate of Information Resource Utilization in Academic Libraries (Published)
The study investigated the influence of knowledge of information search strategies on the use of library resources by undergraduate students in federal universities in South-South, zone, Nigeria. The sampled population comprised of 952 registered library users from 3 selected universities in the zone in 2017/2018 academic session. Survey research design method was employed using a structured questionnaire to collect data. Data collected was analysed using mean and standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested using simple linear regression. The regression model produced a regression coefficient of R = .405 which shows that there is a significant positive relationship between knowledge of information search strategies and utilization of library resources. The study equally revealed a relatively low knowledge of information search strategies by undergraduates in the universities investigated. It was recommended among others that libraries should intensify the teaching of information literacy skills, paying particular attention to information search strategies. More so, lecturers should give their students assignments and tasks that require them to do advanced literature search.
Keywords: Information resources, Library Resources, Nigeria, Undergraduates, Utilization, search strategies, south-south zone
Availability and Utilization of School Library Resources by Students in Senior Secondary Schools in Owerri West LGA Imo State (Published)
The general purpose of the study is availability and utilization of school library resources by students in senior secondary schools in Owerri West L.G.A, Imo State. The survey design research was used for the study. The researcher constructed three research questions which were analyzed based on mean value differentials. The research adopted census method which was used to investigate 364 students from the senior secondary schools in Owerri West Local Government Area, Imo State. Self constructed and validated questionnaire was used to collect data for this study. Findings showed that the format of the information resources in the school library of the secondary schools in Owerri West Local Government Area, Imo State is low and that some information resources are not relevant, even though use of the library is dependent on information relevance and information relevance satisfies use of the library. The study recommends that efforts should be made to determine if information resources contain idea that will be valuable and useful to the user before they are acquired and made available to the users.
Keywords: Availability, School library., Utilization, resources
Information Retrieval tools and utilization of library resources by undergraduate students in Federal Universities in South-South Zone, Nigeria (Published)
The study investigated the influence of information retrieval tools on the utilization of library resources by undergraduate students in Federal Universities in South-South Zone, Nigeria. The population of the study comprised 952 registered library users from 3 selected universities in the zone during 2017/2018 academic session. Survey research design method was employed using a structured questionnaire to collect data. Data collected was analysis using mean and standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested using simple linear regression and multiple regression analysis respectively. The regression model produced a regression coefficient of R=.489 which revealed that there is a strong positive relationship between knowledge of information retrieval tools and utilization of library resource. The study equally revealed that knowledge of information retrieval tools is relatively low in the institutions studied. It was recommended that more attention should be paid to the teaching of the use of information retrieval tools in all library user education studies of the instructions.
Keywords: Library Resources, Nigeria, Undergraduates, Utilization, retrieval tools, south-south zone