International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies (IJLISS)

EA Journals


Information needs, Seeking and Resources Provision for Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer among Female in Awka South, Anambra State (Published)

The paper addressed the issues of Information needs, Seeking and Resources Provision for Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer among Female in Awka South, Anambra State. The objective of this paper is to know the information needs of female, sources of seeking the information and problems faced by them in area of ovarian cancer.  Descriptive survey research design was used for this study. Survey research design was used because it allowed the application of a questionnaire in the collection of data. The total population of the study was 496. It consisted of female from the selected Awka South LGA within Anambra State. Since the entire population was manageable, there was no need for sampling; therefore, an enumerative census of all the 496 females were used. The researcher used a questionnaire. Out of 496 copies of questionnaires distributed, 464 copies were correctly filled, and used for the analysis. Findings showed that female academics strongly need different information as it relates to early detection of ovarian cancer.  The responses revealed that both older and younger female academics agreed that they need health information about their personal risk for ovarian cancer. These includes, information about causes of ovarian cancer, physical symptoms of cancer, health habits that might lower the risk for ovarian cancer, information about group to attend for support and relevant information, information about managing fear of occurrence, physical nature of ovarian cancer, how ovarian cancer acts in the body and sexual implication of ovarian cancer.  It was found out here that married and unmarried female academics did not consult the same source of information as regards the early detection of ovarian cancer. Findings on the problems showed that female academics agreed to encounter similar problems in getting satisfied with desired information needs.


Keywords: Female, Information, Needs, early detection, ovarian cancer, seeking

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