International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies (IJLISS)

EA Journals

secondary school students

Effect of Social Media On the Reading Culture of Selected Private Secondary School Students in Akinyele Local Government Area, Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria (Published)

Reading and writing skills are needed for many educational activities. Any person’s mind and personality can be developed with the help of reading. Additionally, it improves a person’s intellectual capacity. However, social media has largely replaced other forms of communication in secondary school students’ daily lives and is slowly but surely consuming the youth’s consciousness, which has an impact on their reading habits. This study investigates the effect of social media on the reading culture of private secondary school students in Oyo state. A descriptive study was employed, with a stratified random sampling method used to collect data from the study respondents through the use of a questionnaire. The findings showed that students’ excessive use of social media adversely impact their reading culture and, to a lesser extent, their academic performance.


Keywords: Private school, reading culture, secondary school students, social media usage

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