International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies (IJLISS)

EA Journals


Assessment of digital literacy skills of 21st century librarians in private university libraries in Anambra state (Published)

The purpose of this study was to assess digital literacy skills of 21st century librarians in private university libraries in Anambra State. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The area of the study was Anambra State located in the South East Geopolitical Region of Nigeria. The population of the study comprised all the 23 practicing librarians in the three private university libraries in Anambra State. The entire population was used because it was small and manageable. The questionnaire was the research instruments used for data collection. The instrument was validated by two experts from Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University library. Data collected was analyzed using mean scores. 2.50 was used as the benchmark. The major findings of the study includes that academic librarians in private universities in Anambra State possess digital literacy skills, the librarians sponsor themselves to training on digital literacy, they attend trainings twice a year and power failure and poor internet are the challenges librarians in private universities in Anambra State face. Based on the findings, the study recommends among others that academic librarians working in private universities in Anambra State should endeavor to acquire all the digital literacy skills required for perfect service delivery; the management of private university libraries in Anambra State should provide financial sponsorship to the academic librarians for digital literacy skill acquisition and professional development in general; librarians should attend trainings on digital literacy skills more often, standby power generating source and strong internet bandwidth should be provided for the libraries.

Keywords: Digital Literacy, Librarians, Library, Skills, digital resources

Utilisation of Web 2.0 Tools for Effective Library Services by Librarians in University Libraries in Southwest Nigeria (Published)

This paper examines utilisation of Web 2.0 tools for effective library services by librarians in University Libraries in Southwest Nigeria. Two hundred and three (203) copies which are (94%) were duly completed and found usable for this study. Questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. The questionnaire was on types of Web 2.0 tools available, services available and influence of Web 2.0 use. Data obtained was analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, mean, and standard deviation. Findings of the study revealed that 54% respondents indicated Youtube as the major type of Web 2.0 tools, followed by Facebook 50.5% and Twitter with 48% by librarians in University Libraries in Southwest Nigeria. Some of the recommendations were that Libraries management should provide internet access to staff and users of their libraries, and due to the dynamic nature of Web 2.0 tools, librarians need to keep themselves abreast of the new technology and remain relevant on their duties.

Keywords: Librarians, Library Services, Utilisation., university libraries, web 2.0 tools

Job Satisfaction as Correlates of Career Commitment of Librarians In Selected Universities In Ekiti And Ondo State, Nigeria (Published)

The study was designed to investigate the correlation between job satisfaction and career commitment of librarians in six selected university libraries in Ekiti and Ondo States, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research method and utilized questionnaire to generate data for the study. Total enumeration technique was used to cover a study population of fifty four (54) librarians working in the six universities selected in Ekiti and Ondo state, Nigeria. Three research questions were presented for the study, and two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.  Data collected were analyzed using simple percentage, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and regression. The study revealed that there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and career commitment of the librarians working in universities in Ekiti and Ondo State, Nigeria. Also, there was a significant difference between career commitment of librarians working in private universities and those working in public universities in Ekiti and Ondo State, Nigeria. The study recommended that the university administrators should make available all the necessary equipments to facilitate librarians’ duties and improve their job performance and also provide conducive working environment for them. The university manage should organize training on the job to improve their performance and librarians should be well remunerated and recognised. All these will make them to be satisfied with their job and be highly committed to their career. 

Keywords: Career Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Librarians, Universities

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