Freedom of Information: The Act, Ideal and Practice (Published)
A Government’s commitment to openness is its ability to avail public information to citizens. In this regard Governments are expected to release information to facilitate public participation in policy formulation, decision-making and service delivery. Against this background the Government of Sierra Leone in 2013 passed the Right to Access Information Act for the disclosure of information held by public authorities or by persons providing services. Invariably this article critically examined this Right to Access Information Act in relation to constitutional provision, its relation to other international FOI Acts, the importance of information as a natural resource and how it is accessed, the value of records keeping in ensuring freedom of information as inseparable entities, and its pitfalls.
Keywords: Information, Information Management, Sierra Leone, access to information, information provision, information services
Library Marketing Indicators on Students’ Patronage of Information Services in Federal Universities in South-South Nigeria (Published)
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of library marketing indicators on students’ patronage of information services in federal universities in South-South Nigeria. Ex-post facto research design was used for the study. The population of the study was all the 31273 registered undergraduate library users in federal universities library in the 2021/2022 academic session. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select a sample of 790 students for the study. A researcher developed questionnaire named “Library Marketing Indicators and Students’ Patronage of Information Services Questionnaire” was used in collecting data for the study. The instrument was face validated by three experts. Cronbach Alpha was used to determine the reliability of the instrument and a coefficient of .82 was obtained. Mean was used to answer the research questions while independent t-test was used to test the hypotheses of the study. The findings of the study indicated that there is significant influence of library marketing indicators on students’ patronage of information services in federal universities in South-South Nigeria. It was recommended among others that librarians need to acquire marketing skills that will enable them effectively brand their libraries and the information services the library offers as this marketing strategy influences students’ patronage of information services.
Citation: Obi H.E. (2023) Library Marketing Indicators on Students’ Patronage of Information Services in Federal Universities in South-South Nigeria, International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies, Vol.9, No.1, pp.1-11
Keywords: Federal Universities, Nigeria, South-South, information services, library marketing indicators, students’ patronage