International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies (IJLISS)

EA Journals


Recommending User Education as A Determinant for Alleviating Library Anxiety Among Undergraduates Who Attended the Use of Library and ICT Course (Published)

The main aim of this paper is to determine the influence of user education as a determinant to alleviate library anxiety among undergraduates. The current research adopts a cross-sectional survey design with a population of participants from the two universities comprising 11420.The study uses a simple random sampling technique in selecting the sample size. The sample size puts at 386 using statistical formulation. The questionnaire use has been designed   to observe and confirm whether user education alleviates library anxiety. The findings indicate that gender and university have significance on the influence of user education as determinants to alleviate library anxiety while age has no significance effect on the influence of user education as a determinant to alleviating LA. This shows that gender and university of study have influence on user education and can be considered as the factors that alleviate library anxiety while age has no influence on user education due to its significant level. However, the result shows user education has influence on reducing library anxiety as indicated by the respondents over five items on the influence of user education as a determinant to alleviate LA. This study revealed that the use of library and ICT has the influence to overcome library anxiety and the majority of the respondents have perceived the teaching user education to be effective during searching information, accessing e-resources, developing problem-solving and even improving their core skills value.

Keywords: Determinant, LA., User education, alleviating, library anxiety, teaching of user education

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