International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies (IJLISS)

EA Journals


International Standard for Publishing and Legal Deposit Compliance (Published)

This paper started by encouraging participants to pour creative ideas in writing and publishing, acquiring ISBN/ISSN for easy access and depositing same for posterity.  It goes on to examine the developmental stages of ISBN/ISSN and legal deposit.  It discusses the benefits of ISBN/ISSN and legal deposit to librarians and those in the publishing business, it evaluates the level of compliance and concludes that, though many publishers do comply there is still a lot to be done by the National Library and the publishers.  It recommends that National Library should organise more seminars and workshops to educate publishers and sensitise them on the importance of ISBN/ISSN and legal deposit, that legal deposit nothing should be tied to the issuance of ISBN/ISSN, to enforce compliance.

Keywords: Compliance, Deposit, International, Legal, Standard, publishing

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