International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies (IJLISS)

EA Journals

Academic Libraries

Significance of Academic Libraries in Programmes Accreditation in Technical Universities in Ghana (Published)

The purpose of this research is to determine the significance of academic libraries in the accreditation of programmes in Technical Universities in Ghana. The study is limited to Technical Universities in Ghana, with their librarians and assistants as target respondents, and is guided by two key objectives. The study employed a census design method to collect data from all Technical University librarians and their assistants and six purposefully selected GTEC staffs making a total enumeration of thirty-six. The questionnaire was utilized as a means of gathering information. Data was given in frequency, graphs, with their respective percentages. The discovery demonstrates that libraries are actively involved in all certification processes because they offer information resources that are necessary and critical for accreditation. The study recommended that adequate financial support must be provided to academic libraries for them to function effectively. Also, alternative power supply should be developed for the library to have a stable power supply and enough skilled personnel with background knowledge in librarianship be placed in charge of the library, and academic libraries should invest in the acquisition of electronic resources. Lastly, the study suggested that the collections of the libraries of technical universities must be current to help support accreditation of programmes in their institutions.

Keywords: Academic Libraries, Accreditation, Ghana tertiary education commission (GTEC), Information resources, Programmes, technical universities

Evaluation of Cataloguing and Classification Competencies of Librarians in Nigerian Academic Libraries (Published)

A cross-sectional study of 84 cataloguers from 20 academic libraries across the geopolitical zones of Nigeria were randomly selected for the study. Their cataloguing and classification competencies; available cataloguing tools and the problems encountered were evaluated.  A 32-item structured questionnaire under three sections was administered to the selected cataloguers. The mean value calculated for competencies in cataloguing and classifications skills is 3.3. “Finding it convenient to make good judgments in handling gray areas” had the least variable score of 2.6. The mean value for the cataloguing tools commonly used is 3.4. “Web Dewey and/or printed Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)” has the least score of 2.2. No training opportunity for continuous professional development” has the highest score of 3.8. Current cataloguing tools should be provided nationwide and also training opportunities that will help these librarians keep abreast of changing cataloguing rules for effective service delivery in Nigerian academic libraries.

Keywords: Academic Libraries, Cataloguing, Classification, librarian

Security Measures adopted to Prevent Theft of Library Resources in Selected Academic Libraries in Nigeria (Published)

This article is on security measures adopted in academic libraries against thefts of library resources in Nigeria.  Security is an important and complex challenge in contemporary societies. Survey research design was used for the study. Secondary data on security measures were consulted. The instrument used for data collection is interview method asking question about the security measures adopted in different higher institutions across South-south and South- western Nigeria. The various kinds of security measures adopted in the academic libraries under study, are still in traditional system. The results show that all the academic libraries stamps specific pages, with security personnel and porters are at the entrance door of the libraries checking in and checking out users of the library. However, only Federal University of Science and Technology Library, Akure adopted CCTV method. Finally, researchers proffered some solutions in this paper.

Keywords: Academic Libraries, Library Resources, Security Measures, Thefts

Maintenance Culture in Academic Libraries of Universities in South West, Nigeria (Published)

This study explored maintenance culture in academic libraries of universities in south west, Nigeria by taking a cursory look at Lagos State University Library, Ekiti State University Library, Ado – Ekiti and Olusegun Oke Library of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso as case studies. Related literatures were reviewed on sub heading that concerns the subject matter. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Fifty (50) questionnaires were distributed to each of the university library sampled for the study making a total of One Hundred and Fifty questionnaires (150) in all. Out of this One – Hundred and Twenty Eight (128) were returned valid. Four point Lickert scale was used to elicit responses and data collected analysed using frequency count and percentages (%). The findings of the research work indicated some causes of deterioration of library materials in south west Nigeria which are characterized by high temperature and humidity, natural ageing, mutilation by users, insect activities among others. Some of the maintenance practices identified in the course of the work as being practiced were careful removal of documents from shelves, binding of torn books, fumigation, photocopying, digitization, mounting of securities to check delinquencies among others. It was revealed that there were lack of constant training and retraining for staff on preservation, no preservation policies, inadequate funding, lack of functional library equipments for preservation and conservation among others. Based on the findings, the study recommended the following: working policies should be formulated on maintenance, training should be organized, open communication should be established between library management and university community, equipment on preservation and conservation of library materials should be procured.

Keywords: Academic Libraries, Conservation, Deterioration, Maintenance, Maintenance Culture, Nigeria, Preservation, South-west, Universities

Security Measures Adopted to Prevent Theft of Library Resources in Selected Academic Libraries (Published)

This article is on security measures adopted in academic libraries against thefts of library resources in Nigeria. It aims toward the type of security adopted by academic libraries in the 21st century. Security is an important and complex challenge in contemporary societies. Survey research design was used for the study. Secondary data on security measures were consulted. The instrument used for data collection is interview method asking question about the security measures adopted in different higher institutions across South-south and South- western Nigeria. The various kinds of security measures adopted in the academic libraries under study, are still in traditional system. The results show that all the academic libraries stamps specific pages, with security personnel and porters are at the entrance door of the libraries checking in and checking out users of the library. However, only Federal University of Science and Technology Library, Akure adopted CCTV method.

Keywords: Academic Libraries, Library Resources, Security Measures, Thefts

Role of Academic Libraries in Accreditation of Courses and Teaching Programs: A Case of Afe Babalola University Library, Ado – Ekiti (Published)

This study focused on the role of academic libraries in accreditation of courses and teaching programs in Nigeria taking a cursory look at Afe Babalola University, Ado – Ekiti (ABUAD) Library. It is worthy of note that no educational institution can perform its tripartite functions of teaching, learning and research without well – equipped library and other facilities. This study therefore analyzed the invaluable contribution of Afe Babalola University, Ado – Ekiti (ABUAD) library in courses accreditation and teaching programmes. The findings indicated that in Afe Babalola University, decentralized library system has enhanced specialized collections that are rich and in-depth for providing access to information in print and electronic media. Also, the systematic organizations of the collections have enhanced accessibility by users. This in turns have enhanced full accreditation of most of the courses that are being offered. Furthermore, the library has assisted in equipping students with the necessary skills needed for effective learning, reading skills, information literacy skills and the provision of relevant up – to – date information materials. Access to collections has also been enhanced through long opening hours including weekends.


Keywords: Academic Libraries, Accreditation, Nigeria, teaching programs


The study aimed to investigate the role of the financial and moral incentives on employees’ performance in the academic libraries in Jordan. This study aimed at identifying the role of the academic libraries in meeting the librarians’ societal needs, knowing the implemented incentives approaches and the level of performance in the academic libraries. Methodology approach used data about the role of the financial and moral incentives on employees’ performance in academic libraries were obtained through a survey questionnaire distributed to employers in the academic libraries in Jordan. The study used 5 public universities (n=5, 20.83%) and 5 private universities (n=5, 20.83%) out of 24 universities in Jordan, were selected for the purpose of this study. Social implications regarding this study, the results indicated that there was a relationship between financial, moral incentives and employees’ performance as well as between financial, moral incentives and internal library process and users’ satisfaction, caution must be exercised in generalizing the results from this study to other situations in the service academic library environment. The findings indicated that there was an adequate level of incentives provided to librarians. The financial incentives ranked in the 1st place while moral incentives ranked in the 2nd place. Regarding the value, this study has verified further research opportunities that could enrich the understanding of incentives and employees’ performance in the Jordanian academic libraries.

Keywords: Academic Libraries, Employees’ Performance, Financial, Incentives, Jordan, Moral

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