In Kenya, the youth represent 35% of the total population. The youth have been found to be very sexually active and experimental. For these youth to navigate this stage successfully there is a need to ensure they have adequate access to reproductive health information. There exist mechanism put in place by the government and other stakeholders to address the communication of health information to the youth. However, these methods are still inadequate. With the access to the internet through mobile phones and primarily by the youth being on the rise, there is growing interest in research on how social networking sites (SNS) can be integrated to the provision of health information to the young people which the study sought to address. This study was anchored on the uses and Gratification Theory and the Technology Acceptance Model. The study adopted a mixed research design method combining both quantitative and qualitative data. The study found out that gratification, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness with gender as a moderating factor affect the preference of choice of social networking site for access of health information among the university student in Nairobi county.
Keywords: Preference, Reproductive Health, Social Networking Sites