International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies (IJIRMMCS)

EA Journals

sovereignty and global politics

Rethinking Equality of States in Global Politics: Rhetoric or Reality (Published)

Do cooperating states in the international institutions really have equal powers?  This analysis examines the idea of equality of states in the United Nations. The objectives of this research are to understand the principles and power of equality of states in the United Nations charter. The equality of states has always been questioned in the international system. However, the work is centered on rethinking the equality of states in global politics: rhetoric or reality. The study also includes understanding the principles that make up for the equality of states in the United Nations charter and to examine how beneficial are institutions like the United Nations are to third-world countries of the world. Globalization is seen as a major factor for the equality of states because the whole world has become a global village which already poses as a threat to the sovereignty of nation-states in international politics. The theories used to back up and explain nation-states interactions include, realism, liberalism, modernization theory and the dependency theory. The research was carried out with the qualitative approach that depends on the review of available literatures and data. A conclusion was reached by the researcher that indeed states are not equal and the major institutions that help in state interactions were created when most countries of the world were either under colonial rule or were not-existing which gave room for series of gaps which the United Nations have been critiqued for. However, the researcher encourages the third-world countries to look inward and develop themselves by investing in the youths and the growth of local industries  

Keywords: Power, United Nations, equality of states, sovereignty and global politics

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