International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies (IJIRMMCS)

EA Journals

international media coverage

Saudi Vision 2030 and International Media Coverage and Response: A comparative Study (Published)

Saudi Vision 2030 represents an ambitious transformative economic and social reform initiative aimed at decreasing Saudi Arabia’s dependence on oil revenue while fostering a dynamic public sector and increasing international investment. This research paper critically examines the international media’s response to Saudi Vision 2030, exploring the portrayal across disparate regions including the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, the broader Middle East, the United States, Russia, the European Union, and Asia through a qualitative content analysis methodology. This comprehensive study focuses on assessing the themes, narratives, bias, and objectivity manifested in international media coverage and investigates the implications of these representations on global public perception. The findings suggest nuanced variances in how Saudi Vision 2030 is reported internationally, significantly influenced by regional political interests, economic ties, and cultural connections with Saudi Arabia. The paper delves into this comparative analysis, highlighting how media in different regions prioritize certain themes such as economic diversification, human rights, and technological advancement, depending on their geopolitical agenda. The analysis extends to uncover underlying biases and degrees of objectivity within media portrayals, offering an understanding of how such biases could potentially sway public opinion and international relations. Further, the study evaluates the impact of media coverage on the international reception of Saudi Vision 2030, proposing that differences in media narratives can affect the initiative’s global effectiveness and acceptance. This paper not only sheds light on the role of media in framing international policy discussions but also provides specific insights that might be employed by policymakers, media analysts, and scholars in crafting more informed strategies and narratives around significant global reforms like Saudi Vision 2030. The implications drawn from this analysis suggest pathways for future research, particularly in the areas of media influence on policymaking and the dynamics of international news portrayal

Keywords: Comparative study, Saudi vision 2030, international media coverage

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