International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies (IJIRMMCS)

EA Journals


International Regimes and Systemic Stability in International Relations (Published)

Considering the limitations of the various approaches for explaining a progressively complex and interdependent world, and the urgent necessity to ensure stability in the contemporary international relations, a search for new models is in the increase, one of which is international Regimes; governance without government, implying obligations without hierarchical norms and rule setting process but voluntary agreements to play by a set of rules which are binding because they create convergence expectations and governed behaviour. The aim of this research therefore is to establish the relationship between international regimes and systemic stability in international relations. The study adopted the Survey research design. The main instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire. The Spearman rank order correlation coefficient was used in testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that, there is a significant relationship between International regimes and the making of substantive agreements in world politics, and also that there is a significant relationship between International Regimes and social institutions which regulate conflict thereby ensuring systemic stability in international relations. The study recommends that International regimes constitute an increasingly significant element in ensuring systemic stability in international relations, and therefore, remains an important component of envisioned world governance without a world state that makes it easier for the attainment of world peace.

Keywords: International, International Relations., regimes, systemic stability

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