International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies (IJIRMMCS)

EA Journals


Role of Public Relations in Profit and Non- Profit Organisation in Delta State (Published)

This paper examined the role of public relations in both profit and non-profit organizations in Delta State. In executing this paper descriptive survey design was used in this investigation. The study population is eight hundred and sixteen (816) public relations officers from some selected profit organization and two hundred and eight-five (285) public relations officers from some selected non-profit organization, which make it a total of one thousand, one hundred and one (1101) public relation officers from profit and non-profit organizations in Delta State. The technique used for this study is a simple random sampling technique. The sample size for the study was one hundred and eleven (111) public relations officers. The questionnaire was used as the instrument for collecting data. The statistics used for this study were mean ( ). Findings showed that public relations is crucial in profit and non-profit organizations. Findings also show that strategic communication is required for promoting profit and non-profit organizations. Findings show that some challenges facing public relations strategies that drive business outcomes include difficulty building and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders, limited understanding of public relations among stakeholders, difficulty in measuring the effectiveness of PR efforts and limited access to government information and resources. Based on findings, this paper recommended that public relations officers attend workshops, webinars, and conferences to stay informed about the latest public relations and communications developments. Organizations should provide training and resources for public relations professionals to enhance their skills and stay current with industry developments.


Keywords: Public Relations, Reputation, conferences, digital PR, non-profit organizations, profit organization, webinar

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