Military Doctrine in International Relations Strategy for the Arab Countries and the Big Powers (Published)
All Life is readiness for a huge thing that may not happen at all). The military doctrine is the basic concept for the security of the State concerned, also seeks to formulate goals and tasks of the military policy of the state, and the identification of priority interests, and to express its position on issues of war and areas of use of military force and the drafting of combat missions assigned to the forces of the state in time of war or peace, and the diagnosis of the nature of the actual and potential military threats against the state, and the nature of future war that can be plugged in the state, as well as for characterization methods by which to repel any aggression by military means, and to develop new concepts of military strategies, and guidance of preparation of the State for the purpose of defending the territory of the State and the safety of its soil. The differences between religious belief and military doctrine. Some people who were not familiar with the term “military doctrine” that this term is given by a specific researcher or some academics or that the use of metaphor for the phrase “doctrine”, or something else similar; but many interested readers know that the military doctrine or army dogma as it is known, in some countries in the world is the basis corner for the definition of a army and military force. The military side includes the military doctrine, combat doctrine or creed combat and focus of the combat doctrine to direct destruction of the armed forces of the enemy, that means the combat doctrine in this sense, means the adoption of principles, methods and tactics of certain aims to destroy the armed force of the enemy side. There are a lot of military doctrines in this aspect, such as the doctrine of realistic intimidation: adopted by the United States and studied in the Soviet military schools previously, chosen here to highlight the concept of military doctrine in this paper. The Doctrine of hybrid war dominates the world’s conflicts and make it more complex, strategic analysts consider that the ‘hybrid wars’ blends the deadly conflict of the State with fanatical zeal and prolonged in irregular warfare.
Keywords: Big Powers, Military Doctrine, Military Strategies, Role of the Army