International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Methods (IJIRM)

EA Journals

Evaluation of Research Skills Application among Colleges of Education Lecturers in Kaduna State

Ezugwu G.G., Sofeme R. Jebson


The study focused on evaluation of research skills application among lecturers of Colleges of Education in Kaduna State. The descriptive survey design of causal comparative type was adopted in the study with a population of 206 academic staff in colleges of education in Kaduna State. A multi-stage sampling procedure was adopted for the study using the researcher’s developed instrument entitled “Evaluation of Research Skills Opinion Questionnaire” (ERSOQ). To ensure appropriate validity and reliability of  the ERSOQ, it was given to three experts, two in Measurement and Evaluation and one in English Language, to ensure face and content validity of the instrument. The instrument was pilot tested using Cronbach Alpha reliability method and the index ranged from .71 to .85. The stated null hypotheses were tested using population and independent sample t-test and the result of the data analysis revealed that research skills application among lecturers of Colleges of Education is low. It was also revealed that research skills application among lecturers of Colleges of Education is high in terms of literature review and data collection. The study also pinpoints the implication of research skills acquisition as a tool for functional education and quality research delivery. It was recommended that there should be adequate training for academic staff to equip them with the necessary training to plan and implement research activities.


Keywords: Evaluation, Kaduna State, Research skills application

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