International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Methods (IJIRM)

EA Journals


Teachers Perception on Ways of Improving the Teaching of Social Studies in Onueke Education Zone (Published)

This study investigated Teachers perception on ways of improving the teaching of Social Studies in Onueke Education Zone. The purpose of the study was to specifically ascertain teaching techniques that could improve the teaching of Social Studies in Onueke Education Zone, find out if some evaluation techniques could improve the teaching of Social Studies. The design of the study was a descriptive survey research. The population of the study comprised 100 Social Studies teachers in Onueke Education Zone. Two research questions and two hypotheses were designed and tested to guide the study. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled “teachers perception on ways of improving the teaching of Social Studies (TPWITSS) in Onueke Education Zone. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and chi-square (X2). Findings from the investigation revealed that respondents accepted all items on the questionnaire significantly improve the teaching of Social Studies, evaluation techniques significantly improve the teaching of Social Studies.

Keywords: Improving, Nigeria, Perception, Social Studies, Teachers, Teaching

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