International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Methods (IJIRM)

EA Journals


Pre-Service Teacher Education System (Published)

Education is what begins when you leave school (Oscar Wilde, cited in Lawton, 1986). According to Adams (1971) education is a composite of skills, techniques, cognitive and non-cognitive learning many of which have long-range rather than immediate consequences. P-Brown, Oke and Nacino-Brown. (1992) also describe education as initiating into activities and modes of thought that are worthwhile and stress that education implies that a person has achieved or will eventually achieve a state of mind characterised by a mastery of and a care for worthwhile things viewed in some kind of cognitive perspective. The main purpose of education, whether formal or informal, has been to produce a person who will be a useful member of society (McWilliam & Kwamena-Poh, 1978).

Keywords: Education, Pre-Service, System, Teacher

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