International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Methods (IJIRM)

EA Journals


Effect of Quizziz Method on Mathematics Test Performance of Junior Secondary School Students in Port Harcourt Metropolis (Published)

The study focused on effect of Quizziz method on mathematics test performance of junior secondary school students in Port Harcourt metropolis. The study used quasi-experimental study to sample. The population of the study consisted of over 3,250 junior secondary school students in Port Harcourt metropolis. Participants in the study included 100 junior secondary school students from two lower UBE schools in the metropolis. Participants were randomly assigned to experimental (Quizizz group) and control groups. The instrument used in the study was the Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT). The instrument was validated by test experts while Cronbach Alpha method was used in determining a reliability index of 0.87. Experimental procedures involved a pre-test assessment which was administered to both the experimental and control. The experimental group received mathematics instruction using Quizizz for a period of three weeks. After the treatment, a post-test assessment was administered to both groups. Ethical Considerations included an informed consent from participants and parents or guardians. They were also ensured of confidentiality and anonymity while the study was also approved by an independent Research and Ethics expert. As stated earlier, the study lasted for a period of three weeks. The researchers collaborated with the classroom teachers which used the computer lab setting. After the posttest, data collected were analized using paired sample t-test and independent t-test. result showed that

Keywords: Mathematics, Performance, quizziz, test

Causal Effect of Process Variables on Mathematics Continuous Assessment Practice in Ekiti – State (Published)

Educational assessment provides the necessary feedback we require in order to maximise the outcomes of educational efforts. Assessment of learner’s learning provides objectives evidences necessary in the decision- making process in education. It has the potential to enhance mathematics learning and to provide student’s interest in mathematics. However , in order to evaluate the new educational system, one policy that cuts across all educational levels throughout Nigeria is that of continuous assessment which is enquiring not only the thinking process but including behaviours personality traits and manual dexterity through various student’s profile using  variety of assessment instruments in assessing various components of learning. The study investigated the causal effect of process variables on mathematics continuous assessment practice in Ekiti State. The sample for the study consisted of 116 stratified random selected mathematics teachers from 20 randomly selected senior secondary schools in the state. Data collected was through self constructed questionnaire centred on process variables and mathematics continuous assessment (cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Result shows that the continuous assessment practice in the school system is not representing the learners in his/ her entirety because it is cognitive oriented while affective and psychomotor domains are represented with number rating.     

Keywords: Continuous Assessment, Ekiti State, Mathematics, Process Variables

Causal Effect of Process Variables on Mathematics Continuous Assessment Practice in Ekiti – State (Published)

Educational assessment provides the necessary feedback we require in order to maximise the outcomes of educational efforts. Assessment of learner’s learning provides objectives evidences necessary in the decision- making process in education. It has the potential to enhance mathematics learning and to provide student’s interest in mathematics. However , in order to evaluate the new educational system, one policy that cuts across all educational levels throughout Nigeria is that of continuous assessment which is enquiring not only the thinking process but including behaviours personality traits and manual dexterity through various student’s profile using  variety of assessment instruments in assessing various components of learning. The study investigated the causal effect of process variables on mathematics continuous assessment practice in Ekiti State. The sample for the study consisted of 116 stratified random selected mathematics teachers from 20 randomly selected senior secondary schools in the state. Data collected was through self constructed questionnaire centred on process variables and mathematics continuous assessment (cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Result shows that the continuous assessment practice in the school system is not representing the learners in his/ her entirety because it is cognitive oriented while affective and psychomotor domains are represented with number rating.     

Keywords: Continuous Assessment, Ekiti State, Mathematics, Process Variables

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