International Journal of Health and Psychology Research (IJHPR)

EA Journals

Influence of Stakeholders Coordination and Effective Community Engagement Practices for Health Insurance in Plateau State: Framework for Efficient Advocacy Strategies


Efficient Advocacy Strategy involves the design of programs aimed at promoting voluntary change in behavior among targeted population. In achieving this, stakeholders place is critical to the success of programs, with effective community engagement being an essential instrument of the policy and program beyond the normal ways of disseminating information. This study investigated the influence of Stakeholders coordination and effective community engagement practices for health insurance in Plateau State: framework for efficient advocacy strategies. Mix study design was used on a population from 6 Local Government Areas in Plateau State. Primary and secondary sources were employed in collection of data for the study. Findings showed that are regular meetings with stakeholders, the use of various communication strategies by Plateau State Contributory Healthcare Agency (PLASCHEMA) is observed and there is a consistent feedback between the agency, communities and the Primary Health Care facilities in providing services and addressing citizens’ health needs.

Keywords: Coordination, Health Insurance, advocacy strategies, community engagement, plateau state contributory healthcare agency (PLASCHEMA)., stakeholders

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Impact Factor: 7.21
Print ISSN: 2055-0057
Online ISSN: 2055-0065

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