The psychological, physical and social effect of substance abuse is enormous and can be detrimental to the productive years of a youth. Researches have demonstrated that substance use often lead to negative psychological, physical and social impairment. This study using correlational survey method, analyzed the research with Pearson moment correlation and discovered that in Lafia, the physical health of youths had a negative correlation (r -.11, p<.05), while, it also affected psychological health negatively (r=-.09, p.<05) and a significant negative relationship between social wellbeing (r= -.16, <.05) and substance abuse. it was concluded that substance use negatively affect the physical, psychological and social wellbeing of Lafiay Youths. The research recommended that there should be a serious sensitization among Lafia youths on the negative effects of substance abuse on their psycho-social wellbeing.
Citation: Ebiai A.E., Mgbeanuli, C.C., Audu C. & Okorie, F. (2023) The Psycho-Social and Health Effect of Substance Abuse on Lafia Youths, International Journal of Health and Psychology Research, Vol.11, No.1, pp.1-6,
Keywords: Drug, Substance abuse, Youths, physical health, psycho-social health