International Journal of Health and Psychology Research (IJHPR)

EA Journals


A Quantitative Research Design Investigating Environmental Injustice and Children’s Health Risks (Published)

Environmental injustice and health problems have been found detrimental to the quality of life in the West Bank. Insufficient water supply and unequal water distribution often lead to increased rates of communicable waterborne diseases and uncommunicable illnesses (World Health Organization, 2009). Access to safe water is not a reality for many children throughout the West Bank. Maintaining proper health is difficult for children living in disadvantaged areas with poor water quality (Baram & Cohen, 2015). Exposure to unclean water can also lead to adverse health risks, including diarrhea and other diseases. Groundwater is the primary source of water to the Palestinians and Israelis, and the competition over controlling water resources has caused ongoing conflicts for years (Waldman, 2018). To understand the scope of the information available in this region, the researcher will suggest how to collect data to assess the risk of drinking water contaminated with viruses or bacterias. The research purpose is to identify how environmental injustice impacts public health between two groups by using a quantitative study. By doing this, the researcher aims to illustrate how a lack of adequate sanitation and unequal distribution of water are significant contributors to childhood health problems. Also, this study will investigate the relationship between childhood death and illness, and the unsustainable patterns of environmental development and poverty. The researcher will provide reviews and critical ideas to help in filling gaps and exploring the truth.

Keywords: Descriptive Analysis., Environmental Injustice, Quantitative Study, T-Test, Waterborne Diseases

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