International Journal of Health and Psychology Research (IJHPR)

EA Journals


Substance Abuse Among Students in Selected Secondary Schools in Akure South Lga, Ondo State: Prevalence and Associated Factors (Published)

Substance abuse is the abuse of psychoactive substances; such as, alcohol and illegal narcotics. Drug misuse has become a worldwide epidemic, posing a serious threat to public health on a global scale. It is associated with increasingly frightening physical, psychological, social and economic consequences; however, there is limited study on prevalence and associated factors of substance abuse among secondary school students in Akure South LGA Ondo State, which is the objective of this study. This study utilized a descriptive cross-sectional methodology. Multistage sampling technique was used to select the schools and a Taro Yamane formula to determine sample size of 365 pupils. Proportional sample was calculated for each school and participants selected randomly. The results revealed a substance abuse prevalence of 16.4%, with palm wine and coffee being the most commonly used substances. Other substances included, cough mixture, local gin, alcohol, codeine (cough syrup), cannabis, cigarette, Rohypnol and tramadol. The key influencers of substance use among the respondents included to boost energy (38.6%), to think and read more clearly (31.5%), recreational purposes (25.5%), use by friends and colleagues (24.4%) and to forget about problems (20%). Multiple substance use was higher among older male students and those living with their fathers only. All users of alcohol and cannabis reportedly took them whenever they felt like; so also, did high percentages of  users of the local gin, palm wine, tobacco, and Rohypnol. Substances taken mostly twice a day were cough mixture and coffee; and cigarettes once a day. School nurses and counsellors in Akure South LGA, and stakeholders in adolescent health and development, should consider the high prevalence and pattern of substance use reported in this study in planning context-relevant interventions in their locations. This will promote all-round health of their students, and the safety and security of their community.

Keywords: Prevalence, Secondary Schools, Students, Substance abuse, associated factors

Psychological Wellbeing Among Post Compulsory Students in London (U.K) (Published)

The post-compulsory education sector in the U.K. has faced challenges recently in terms of issues related to a pandemic and reviews of teachers’ professional standards. It is inevitable that post-compulsory students’ wellbeing in London is a much-talked-about issue.  However, research is required to identify factors that contribute to their wellbeing. The investigation uses a purposive sampling procedure and the case study approach. Post compulsory students at universities and colleges completed Ryff’s (2014) psychological wellbeing scale and demographic questions. All students were asked to complete an ethical consent form. Analysis revealed that females were more self-accepting with a purpose in life. They tended to plan their workloads and spent less time in flexible paid employment and so had more time to spend with family and friends. This supportive network enhanced their psychological wellbeing. Further research will investigate the differences between male and female reasons for differences in self-acceptance, purpose in life and stress arising from courses they take.  Moreover, students’ use of emotions with respect to individual differences in personality may elucidate the reasons why male students find writing assignments demanding. This may be related to time management skills and requires research.

Citation: Rasheed-Karim (2022) Psychological Wellbeing Among Post Compulsory Students in London (U.K), International Journal of Health and Psychology Research, Vol.10, No.3, pp.25-38


Keywords: Individual Differences, Ryff’s wellbeing scale, Stress, Students

Instructional Problems Associated with The Poor Performance in School Certificate English Language by Students (Published)

Survey research design was employed in the study because it helps in collecting and analyzing data on issues as they exist. The study covered the nine (9) secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State. The population of the study comprises all the secondary school students in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State. Five (5) schools were purposively selected out of (9) schools in the Area, of study using random sampling technique. The instrument used was questionnaire designed to elicit responses on the subject of study. Data collection was done personally by the researchers with help of three research assistant. Copies of the questionnaire were distributed and collected on the spot. This is to ensure adequate return rate. The data collected were analyzed using the chi-square statistical tool from the statistical package for social sciences.

Citation: Ochagu Kaka A., Esther Amos, Eze Aji Eze (2022)   Instructional Problems Associated with The Poor Performance in School Certificate English Language by Students, International Journal of Health and Psychology Research, Vol.10, No.2, pp.33-50

Keywords: Certificate, English Language, Instructional Problems, Poor performance, School, Students

Health Education and its Relation with Health Knowledge among College Students in Kuwait (Published)

College is considered one of the important means for health education attainment. Thus, having a profound impact on student’s health, attitude, and behavior. In this study, we assesse and examine the relation of health education intervention with health knowledge and behavior, some these disruptive behaviors include smoking, drugs, injury, disease, individual abuse, stress, mental and emotional health among students of different colleges under PAAET (The Public Authority for Applied Education & training). These colleges are (college of Health Science’s, Nursing, Technological Studies, Basic Education, Business Studies). Besides these colleges, there are numbers of training institutes such as: (The higher Institute of Telecommunication and Navigation, Nursing institute, Secretarial and Office Administration Institute). We also want to inspect the relation between health education, health behavior, and attitude of college students regarding, their age, sex, and education level. Never the less, to elevate health knowledge of these students, in giving them a better healthy lifestyle for their coming future.

Keywords: Behavior, Health education, Knowledge, Students, attitude

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