International Journal of Health and Psychology Research (IJHPR)

EA Journals

Reproductive Age

Impacts of Infertility on Divorce among Reproductive Age Spouses in Ibadan city, Oyo State, Nigeria (Published)

Infertility is the inability of a woman to achieve a clinical pregnancy following 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It has become a major concern in the world most especially Africa for married couple with them facing a lot of consequences of infertility either emotionally, psychologically or socially majorly women. The research examined the impacts of infertility on divorce among reproductive age spouses in Ibadan Metropolis. The null hypothesis stated as there is no significant relationship between infertility and divorce among couples in the study area. The study employed multi-stage sampling technique. A closed ended questionnaires were used to acquire data. Data were analysed using descriptive (frequency counts) and inferential (chi-square X2) statistical methods. The study revealed that more than half of divorce cases heard in year 2020 in the study area have been remarried, It was revealed that X2calculated = 17.729 was more than X2 tabulated = 15.507 therefore, null hypothesis rejected and agreed that infertility has to do with divorce. The study concluded that the impact of infertility on divorce rate in Nigeria is high and can be reduced through improvement in relationship and cooperation of the couple in the overcoming challenges together. Implementation of clinical practices in the field of reproductive health and family support service is of help to the challenged couples.


Keywords: Divorce, Infertility, Reproductive Age, remarry

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