Psychosocial Factors Involved In Dating Violence in College Students (Published)
The purpose of study is to examine the psychosocial factors that lead to gender-based violence during courtship in university students. A descriptive analysis was conducted where participants were randomly selected, with a minimum of 2 months of dating time, using the dating violence assessment (CUVINO) which consists of 42 reagents in eight different sections. The factors found are substance abuse, co-dependency, insecurity and a very frequently reciprocal pattern of psychological aggression. Eight variables were taken into account as detachment in which 13.7% said that their partner did not show much interest and 21% mentioned that they noticed irresponsibility in their relationship from their partner, humiliation where 15.7% said they received frequent negative reviews of his partner, sexual violence where 13.7% said that he had no good communication with his partner, coercion where 21% of the students responded that they felt psychologically pressured, physical violence where 16.7% said that they had blows in their mostly justified relationship for games. Gender violence in which 31.4% heard mockery from their partner towards other people. The punishment in couples has 34.4%, 25.5% responded that their partner’s whims. Nowadays, the way in which women and men conceive love determines the way in which the relationship with their partner is; they understand it as a combination of romanticism and violence.
Keywords: Violence, co-dependency and insecurity., dating